Tuesday - So It's 4:30am, and I have so much to do today. I have my morning YOGA then study my finals which is at 8am and not muliple choice :(... Then I have to come home work out for 3 hours.. watch Biggest Loser at 8 pm and Study

Only a million more years to go .. for those that don't know I'm in college right now taking my E.C.E, and I have my PSW - nursing.. I'm going through to become a peteratric, its my passion.. anyways enough about me.. Ohh before my tip of the day I just want to give props to.....
http://www.youtube.com/user/FatGuyMission - I truely think you should go and sub and watch this guys videos .. If he can't inspire you then, your at a lost.. He's really motivating.. and he needs our supports :)
Okie so My tip today ...

Peace and Love