Thursday - Today,

I hope everyone is doing good and keeping healthy because I know I am.. I'm not gonna lie everyday is a struggle its so tempting just to go in the fridge and grab a pudding or cookies or ice cream.. SO TEMPTING... but I just think of this challenge I'm on, and how I'm going to feel 30 mins after I eat this crap..
Here's my tip of the day....

COMMIT WITH A CAPITAL C. Are you interested in dropping pounds or committed to it? Today, be determined not to let anything interfere with your dedication. Don't let the rain keep you from going to the gym or an office mate's box of doughnuts tempt you. When you face challenges successfully, you've got an "I can do it" memory to draw on the next time your willpower flounders.
Adapted from 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle. Published by SunQuest Media [c]2006.